BRC20: The New Token Standard for Bitcoin

BRC20 is a new token standard that allows anyone to create and exchange fungible tokens on the Bitcoin blockchain. BRC20 tokens are similar to Ethereum’s ERC20 tokens, but they have some unique features and advantages that make them more suitable for the Bitcoin ecosystem. In this blog post, we will explore what BRC20 is, how it works, and why it is a game-changer for the crypto space.

What is BRC20?

BRC20 stands for Bitcoin Request for Comment 20, which is a proposal for a token standard on the Bitcoin blockchain. BRC20 was introduced in March 2023 by an anonymous developer known as Ordinals, who wanted to create a simple and efficient way to deploy token contracts and mint and transfer tokens on Bitcoin.

BRC20 tokens are fungible, meaning that they are interchangeable and have the same value. They can represent any asset or utility, such as currencies, commodities, loyalty points, digital collectibles, etc. BRC20 tokens can be attributed to satoshis, which are the smallest units of Bitcoin, and then traded or swapped with others, just like with other tokens.

BRC20 tokens are created and managed by smart contracts, which are self-executing programs that run on the Bitcoin blockchain. BRC20 smart contracts use ordinal inscriptions of JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), which is a lightweight data format that is easy to read and write. JSON is also compatible with most programming languages and platforms, making BRC20 tokens accessible and interoperable.

How does BRC20 work?

BRC20 works by using a special type of Bitcoin transaction called OP_RETURN, which allows users to embed arbitrary data into the blockchain. OP_RETURN transactions are usually ignored by most nodes, but they can be interpreted by BRC20 nodes, which are nodes that run the BRC20 protocol and validate BRC20 transactions.

BRC20 nodes use a set of rules and conventions to parse and execute the JSON data embedded in OP_RETURN transactions. These rules and conventions define the structure and functionality of BRC20 smart contracts and tokens. For example, a BRC20 smart contract must have a name, a symbol, a decimal, a total supply, and a balance mapping that records the token ownership of each address.

BRC20 nodes also use a consensus mechanism called Proof of Burn (PoB), which is a way to prove that a certain amount of Bitcoin has been destroyed or made unspendable. PoB is used to prevent spam and abuse of the BRC20 network, as well as to incentivize the participation of BRC20 nodes. PoB works by requiring users to burn a small amount of Bitcoin (usually 0.0001 BTC) when they create or interact with a BRC20 smart contract or token. The burned Bitcoin is sent to a special address that starts with “1BRC20”, which is also the prefix of BRC20 token addresses.

Why is BRC20 a game-changer?

BRC20 is a game-changer for the crypto space because it brings the benefits of tokenization to the Bitcoin blockchain, which is the most secure and decentralized network in the world. BRC20 tokens can leverage the trust and reliability of Bitcoin, as well as its network effects and liquidity. BRC20 tokens can also enjoy the advantages of Bitcoin’s scalability solutions, such as the Lightning Network and sidechains, which can enable fast and cheap transactions.

BRC20 is also a game-changer because it offers a simple and elegant solution to create and exchange tokens on Bitcoin, without requiring complex scripting or programming skills. BRC20 smart contracts and tokens can be easily deployed and managed using JSON, which is a widely used and familiar data format. BRC20 also eliminates the need for a separate token layer or platform, such as Ethereum or Binance Smart Chain, which can reduce the costs and risks of token creation and exchange.

BRC20 is an experimental and innovative project that aims to expand the possibilities and functionalities of the Bitcoin blockchain. BRC20 is not affiliated with or endorsed by the Bitcoin Core developers or the Bitcoin Foundation, and it is not an official standard or protocol of Bitcoin. BRC20 is a community-driven and open-source initiative that welcomes anyone who wants to contribute or participate.


BRC20 is a new token standard that allows anyone to create and exchange fungible tokens on the Bitcoin blockchain. BRC20 tokens are similar to Ethereum’s ERC20 tokens, but they have some unique features and advantages that make them more suitable for the Bitcoin ecosystem. BRC20 tokens are created and managed by smart contracts that use JSON data embedded in OP_RETURN transactions. BRC20 nodes use Proof of Burn to validate and secure the BRC20 network. BRC20 is a game-changer for the crypto space because it brings the benefits of tokenization to the Bitcoin blockchain, which is the most secure and decentralized network in the world. BRC20 is also a simple and elegant solution to create and exchange tokens on Bitcoin, without requiring complex scripting or programming skills. BRC20 is an experimental and innovative project that aims to expand the possibilities and functionalities of the Bitcoin blockchain.

If you are interested in learning more about BRC20 or creating your own BRC20 tokens, you can visit the official website of BRC20 at, where you can find the documentation, the source code, and the community forums. You can also join the BRC20 Telegram group at , where you can chat with other BRC20 enthusiasts and developers. BRC20 is a new and exciting frontier for the crypto space, and you can be part of it. 🚀

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